This is an RDFa representation of the schema, copied here for collaboration and feedback.
Default vocabulary prefix: 'bgn:' Version 1.1
bgn:AgentAn agent (e.g. person, group, software, or physical artifact). This class is useful in cases where schema:Person or schema:Organization is unclear or too specific. Subclass of:
schema:ThingSource: foaf:Agent
bgn:AtlasA collection or bound volume of maps, charts, plates or tables, physical or in media form illustrating any subject. Subclass of:
schema:CreativeWorkSource: pto:Atlas
bgn:BlurayDiscA digital optical disc data storage format capable of storing high-definition video resolution. Subclass of:
schema:ProductSource: pto:Blu-ray_Disc
bgn:ChapterOne of the sections into which a book is divided. A chapter usually has a section number or a name. Subclass of:
bgn:CompactCassetteThe Compact Cassette or Musicassette (MC), also commonly called cassette tape, audio cassette, or simply tape or cassette, is a magnetic tape recording format for audio recording and playback. Subclass of:
schema:ProductSource: pto:Compact_Cassette
bgn:CDCD or Compact Disk - a storage medium which can hold large amounts of data including images and sound. Subclass of:
schema:ProductSource: pto:Compact_disc
bgn:ComputerFileA computer file is a resource for storing information, which is available to a computer program and is usually based on some kind of durable storage. Subclass of:
schema:CreativeWorkSource: pto:Computer_file
bgn:DVDA type of compact disc able to store large amounts of data, especially high-resolution audiovisual material. Subclass of:
schema:ProductSource: pto:DVD
bgn:GlobeA three-dimensional scale model of Earth (terrestrial globe or geographical globe) or other celestial body such as a planet or moon. Subclass of:
schema:CreativeWorkSource: pto:Globe
bgn:ImageAn artifact that depicts or records visual perception, for example a two-dimensional picture, that has a similar appearance to some subject – usually a physical object or a person Subclass of:
schema:CreativeWorkSource: pto:Image
bgn:KitA collection of various components (CreativeWorks, products, artefacts) collected and described as a unit. No one component is identifiable as the predominant component of the collection. Examples include packages of assorted materials, for study as part of an educational curriculum topic (books, workbooks, guides, activities, etc.), or packages of educational test materials (tests, answer sheets, scoring guides, score charts, interpretative manuals, etc.). Subclass of:
schema:CreativeWorkSource: MARC21 Bibliographic Format
bgn:LPRecordLP or Long-Play record - a format for phonograph (gramophone) records, an analog sound storage medium. Subclass of:
schema:CreativeWorkSource: pto:LP_record
bgn:MeetingA meeting: when two or more people come together to discuss one or more topics, often in a formal setting. Subclass of:
schema:Eventschema:OrganizationSource: pto:Meeting
bgn:MicroformAny form, either film or paper, containing microreproductions of documents for transmission, storage, reading, and printing. (Microfilm, microfiche, microcards, etc Subclass of:
schema:ProductSource: pto:Microform
bgn:NewspaperA publication containing information about varied topics that are pertinent to general information, a geographic area, or a specific subject matter (i.e. business, culture, education). Often published daily. Subclass of:
schema:PeriodicalSource: pto:Newspaper
bgn:ThesisA thesis or dissertation document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification. Subclass of:
schema:CreativeWorkSource: pto:Thesis
bgn:PrintBookBook format: Print book. Used in cases where the book format is unknown or otherwise not covered by specific formats such as schema:Paperback, schema:Hardcover, etc.
bgn:translationOfWorkThe work that this work has been translated from. e.g. 物种起源 is a translationOf “On the Origin of Species”Domain:
bgn:translatorAn agent responsible for rendering a translated work from a source workDomain:
bgn:workTranslationA work that is a translation of the content of this work. e.g. 西遊記 has an English workTranslation “Journey to the West”,a German workTranslation “Monkeys Pilgerfahrt” and a Vietnamese translation Tây du ký bình khảo.Domain: