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schema:DataType > schema:Date

A date value in ISO 8601 date format.

Instances of schema:Date may appear as values for the following properties
PropertyOn TypesDescription
schema:birthDate schema:Person Date of birth.
schema:commentTime schema:UserComments The time at which the UserComment was made.
schema:dateCreated schema:CreativeWork The date on which the CreativeWork was created.
schema:dateModified schema:CreativeWork The date on which the CreativeWork was most recently modified.
schema:datePosted schema:JobPosting Publication date for the job posting.
schema:datePublished schema:CreativeWork Date of first broadcast/publication.
schema:deathDate schema:Person Date of death.
schema:dissolutionDate schema:Organization The date that this organization was dissolved.
schema:endDate schema:DatedMoneySpecification  or
schema:Role  or
schema:Series  or
schema:Season  or
The end date and time of the item (in ISO 8601 date format).
schema:expires schema:MediaObject Date the content expires and is no longer useful or available. Useful for videos.
schema:foundingDate schema:Organization The date that this organization was founded.
schema:guidelineDate schema:MedicalGuideline Date on which this guideline's recommendation was made.
schema:lastReviewed schema:WebPage Date on which the content on this web page was last reviewed for accuracy and/or completeness.
schema:previousStartDate schema:Event Used in conjunction with eventStatus for rescheduled or cancelled events. This property contains the previously scheduled start date. For rescheduled events, the startDate property should be used for the newly scheduled start date. In the (rare) case of an event that has been postponed and rescheduled multiple times, this field may be repeated.
schema:priceValidUntil schema:Offer The date after which the price is no longer available.
schema:releaseDate schema:Product The release date of a product or product model. This can be used to distinguish the exact variant of a product.
schema:scheduledPaymentDate schema:Invoice The date the invoice is scheduled to be paid.
schema:startDate schema:DatedMoneySpecification  or
schema:Role  or
schema:Series  or
schema:Season  or
The start date and time of the item (in ISO 8601 date format).
schema:uploadDate schema:MediaObject Date when this media object was uploaded to this site.
schema:validUntil schema:Permit The date when the item is no longer valid.

Prefixes used:

  • schema: http://schema.org/
  • BiblioGraph.net Version 1.1
    Schema.org Version 1.93
    Code Version 1.1