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schema:Thing > schema:Intangible > schema:Invoice

A statement of the money due for goods or services; a bill.
PropertyExpected TypeDescription
Properties from schema:Invoice
schema:accountId schema:Text The identifier for the account the payment will be applied to.
schema:billingPeriod schema:Duration The time interval used to compute the invoice.
schema:broker schema:Person  or
An entity that arranges for an exchange between a buyer and a seller. In most cases a broker never acquires or releases ownership of a product or service involved in an exchange. If it is not clear whether an entity is a broker, seller, or buyer, the latter two terms are preferred. Supersedes schema:bookingAgent.
schema:category schema:Text  or
schema:Thing  or
A category for the item. Greater signs or slashes can be used to informally indicate a category hierarchy.
schema:confirmationNumber schema:Text A number that confirms the given order or payment has been received.
schema:customer schema:Organization  or
Party placing the order or paying the invoice.
schema:minimumPaymentDue schema:PriceSpecification The minimum payment required at this time.
schema:paymentDue schema:DateTime The date that payment is due.
schema:paymentMethod schema:PaymentMethod The name of the credit card or other method of payment for the order.
schema:paymentMethodId schema:Text An identifier for the method of payment used (e.g. the last 4 digits of the credit card).
schema:paymentStatus schema:Text The status of payment; whether the invoice has been paid or not.
schema:provider schema:Person  or
The service provider, service operator, or service performer; the goods producer. Another party (a seller) may offer those services or goods on behalf of the provider. A provider may also serve as the seller. Supersedes schema:carrier.
schema:referencesOrder schema:Order The Order(s) related to this Invoice. One or more Orders may be combined into a single Invoice.
schema:scheduledPaymentDate schema:Date The date the invoice is scheduled to be paid.
schema:totalPaymentDue schema:PriceSpecification The total amount due.
Properties from schema:Thing
schema:additionalType schema:URL An additional type for the item, typically used for adding more specific types from external vocabularies in microdata syntax. This is a relationship between something and a class that the thing is in. In RDFa syntax, it is better to use the native RDFa syntax - the 'typeof' attribute - for multiple types. Schema.org tools may have only weaker understanding of extra types, in particular those defined externally.
schema:alternateName schema:Text An alias for the item.
schema:description schema:Text A short description of the item.
schema:image schema:ImageObject  or
An image of the item. This can be a URL or a fully described ImageObject.
schema:name schema:Text The name of the item.
schema:potentialAction schema:Action Indicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in which this thing would play an 'object' role.
schema:sameAs schema:URL URL of a reference Web page that unambiguously indicates the item's identity. E.g. the URL of the item's Wikipedia page, Freebase page, or official website.
schema:url schema:URL URL of the item.

Instances of schema:Invoice may appear as values for the following properties
PropertyOn TypesDescription
schema:partOfInvoice schema:Order The order is being paid as part of the referenced Invoice.

Prefixes used:

  • schema: http://schema.org/
  • Examples

    An example of a credit card bill (invoice).
    ACME Bank
    Bill for: January 2015 Visa
    invoice link: http://www.acmebank.com/invoice.pdf
    Customer: Jane Doe
    account ID: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-1234
    payment due: 2015-01-30
    minimum payment: $15.00
    total due: $200.00
    billing period: 2014-12-21 to 2015-01-20
    payment due
    <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Invoice">
      <h1 itemprop="description">January 2015 Visa</h1>
      <link itemprop="url" href="http://acmebank.com/invoice.pdf" />Invoice PDF
      <div itemprop="broker" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/BankOrCreditUnion">
        <b itemprop="name">ACME Bank</b>
      <span itemprop="accountId">xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-1234</span>
      <div itemprop="customer" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Person">
        <b itemprop="name">Jane Doe</b>
      <span itemprop="paymentDue">2015-01-30</span>
      <div itemprop="minimumPaymentDue" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/PriceSpecification">
        <span itemprop="price">15.00</span>
        <span itemprop="priceCurrency">USD</span>
      <div itemprop="totalPaymentDue" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/PriceSpecification">
        <span itemprop="price">200.00</span>
        <span itemprop="priceCurrency">USD</span>
      <meta itemprop="billingPeriod" content="2014-12-21/P30D" />starts:2014-12-21 30 days
      <span itemprop="paymentStatus">payment due</span>
    <div vocab="http://schema.org" typeof="Invoice">
      <h1 property="description">January 2015 Visa</h1>
      <link property="url" href="http://acmebank.com/invoice.pdf" />Invoice PDF
      <div property="broker" itemscope typeof="http://schema.org/BankOrCreditUnion">
        <b property="name">ACME Bank</b>
      <span property="accountId">xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-1234</span>
      <div property="customer" typeof="http://schema.org/Person">
        <b property="name">Jane Doe</b>
      <span property="paymentDue">2015-01-30</span>
      <div property="minimumPaymentDue" typeof="http://schema.org/PriceSpecification">
        <span property="price">15.00</span>
        <span property="priceCurrency">USD</span>
      <div property="totalPaymentDue" typeof="http://schema.org/PriceSpecification">
        <span property="price">200.00</span>
        <span property="priceCurrency">USD</span>
      <meta property="billingPeriod" content="2014-12-21/P30D" />starts:2014-12-21 30 days
      <span property="paymentStatus">payment due</span>
    <script type="application/ld+json">
        "@context": "http://schema.org",
        "@type": "Invoice",
        "description": "January 2015 Visa bill.",
        "url": "http://acmebank.com/invoice.pdf",
        "broker": {
          "@type": "BankOrCreditUnion",
          "name": "ACME Bank",
        "accountId": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-1234",
        "customer": {
          "@type": "Person",
          "name": "Jane Doe"
        "paymentDue": "2015-01-30",
        "minimumPaymentDue": {
          "@type": "PriceSpecification",
          "price": 15.00,
          "priceCurrency": "USD"
        "totalPaymentDue": {
          "@type": "PriceSpecification",
          "price": 200.00,
          "priceCurrency": "USD"
        "billingPeriod": "2014-12-21/P30D",
        "paymentStatus": "payment due"
    An example of a invoice for a purchase and installation.
    ACME Home Heating
    Bill for: New furnace and installation
    Customer: Jane Doe
    payment due: 2015-01-30
    minimum payment: $0.00
    total due: $0.00
    payment status: paid
    order: furnace model ABC123
    order: installation labor
    <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Invoice">
      <h1 itemprop="description">New furnace and installation</h1>
      <div itemprop="broker" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/LocalBusiness">
        <b itemprop="name">ACME Home Heating</b>
      <div itemprop="customer" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Person">
        <b itemprop="name">Jane Doe</b>
      <span itemprop="paymentDue">2015-01-30</span>
      <div itemprop="minimumPaymentDue" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/PriceSpecification">
        <span itemprop="price">0.00</span>
        <span itemprop="priceCurrency">USD</span>
      <div itemprop="totalPaymentDue" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/PriceSpecification">
        <span itemprop="price">0.00</span>
        <span itemprop="priceCurrency">USD</span>
      <span itemprop="paymentStatus">paid</span>
      <div itemprop="referencesOrder" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Order">
        <span itemprop="description">furnace</span>
        <span itemprop="orderDate">2014-12-01</span>
        <span itemprop="orderNumber">123ABC</span>
        <div itemprop="orderedItem" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Product">
          <span itemprop="name">ACME Furnace 3000</span>
          <meta itemprop="productId" content="ABC123" />
      <div itemprop="referencesOrder" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Order">
        <span itemprop="description">furnace installation</span>
        <span itemprop="orderDate">2014-12-02</span>
        <div itemprop="orderedItem" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Service">
          <span itemprop="description">furnace installation</span>
    <div vocab="http://schema.org" typeof="Invoice">
      <h1 property="description">New furnace and installation</h1>
      <div property="broker" itemscope typeof="http://schema.org/LocalBusiness">
        <b property="name">ACME Home Heating</b>
      <div property="customer" typeof="http://schema.org/Person">
        <b property="name">Jane Doe</b>
      <span property="paymentDue">2015-01-30</span>
      <div property="minimumPaymentDue" typeof="http://schema.org/PriceSpecification">
        <span property="price">0.00</span>
        <span property="priceCurrency">USD</span>
      <div property="totalPaymentDue" typeof="http://schema.org/PriceSpecification">
        <span property="price">0.00</span>
        <span property="priceCurrency">USD</span>
      <meta property="billingPeriod" content="2014-12-21/P30D" />starts:2014-12-21 30 days
      <span property="paymentStatus">paid</span>
      <div property="referencesOrder" typeof="Order">
        <span property="description">furnace</span>
        <span property="orderDate">2014-12-01</span>
        <span property="orderNumber">123ABC</span>
        <div property="orderedItem" typeof="Product">
          <span property="name">ACME Furnace 3000</span>
          <meta property="productId" content="ABC123" />
      <div property="referencesOrder" typeof="Order">
        <span property="description">furnace installation</span>
        <span property="orderDate">2014-12-02</span>
        <div property="orderedItem" typeof="Service">
          <span property="description">furnace installation</span>
    <script type="application/ld+json">
        "@context": "http://schema.org",
        "@type": "Invoice",
        "broker": {
          "@type": "LocalBusiness",
          "name": "ACME Home Heating",
        "accountId": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-1234",
        "customer": {
          "@type": "Person",
          "name": "Jane Doe"
        "paymentDue": "2015-01-30",
        "minimumPaymentDue": {
          "@type": "PriceSpecification",
          "price": 0.00,
          "priceCurrency": "USD"
        "totalPaymentDue": {
          "@type": "PriceSpecification",
          "price": 0.00,
          "priceCurrency": "USD"
        "paymentStatus": "paid",
        "referencesOrder": [
            "@type": "Order",
            "description": "furnace",
            "orderDate": "2014-12-01",
            "orderNumber": "123ABC",
            "paymentMethod": "http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#ByInvoice",
            "orderedItem": {
              "@type": "Product",
              "name": "ACME Furnace 3000",
              "productId": "ABC123"
            "@type": "Order",
            "description": "furnace installation",
            "orderDate": "2014-12-02",
            "paymentMethod": "http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#ByInvoice",
            "orderedItem": {
              "@type": "Service",
              "description": "furnace installation"

    BiblioGraph.net Version 1.1
    Schema.org Version 1.93
    Code Version 1.1