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schema:DataType > schema:DateTime

A combination of date and time of day in the form [-]CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm] (see Chapter 5.4 of ISO 8601).

Instances of schema:DateTime may appear as values for the following properties
PropertyOn TypesDescription
schema:arrivalTime schema:Flight  or
schema:BusTrip  or
The expected arrival time.
schema:availabilityEnds schema:Demand  or
The end of the availability of the product or service included in the offer.
schema:availabilityStarts schema:Demand  or
The beginning of the availability of the product or service included in the offer.
schema:availableFrom schema:DeliveryEvent When the item is available for pickup from the store, locker, etc.
schema:availableThrough schema:DeliveryEvent After this date, the item will no longer be available for pickup.
schema:bookingTime schema:Reservation The date and time the reservation was booked.
schema:checkinTime schema:LodgingReservation The earliest someone may check into a lodging establishment.
schema:checkoutTime schema:LodgingReservation The latest someone may check out of a lodging establishment.
schema:dateIssued schema:Ticket The date the ticket was issued.
schema:departureTime schema:Flight  or
schema:BusTrip  or
The expected departure time.
schema:doorTime schema:Event The time admission will commence.
schema:dropoffTime schema:RentalCarReservation When a rental car can be dropped off.
schema:endTime schema:Action  or
The endTime of something. For a reserved event or service (e.g. FoodEstablishmentReservation), the time that it is expected to end. For actions that span a period of time, when the action was performed. e.g. John wrote a book from January to *December*. Note that Event uses startDate/endDate instead of startTime/endTime, even when describing dates with times. This situation may be clarified in future revisions.
schema:expectedArrivalFrom schema:ParcelDelivery The earliest date the package may arrive.
schema:expectedArrivalUntil schema:ParcelDelivery The latest date the package may arrive.
schema:modifiedTime schema:Reservation The date and time the reservation was modified.
schema:orderDate schema:Order Date order was placed.
schema:ownedFrom schema:OwnershipInfo The date and time of obtaining the product.
schema:ownedThrough schema:OwnershipInfo The date and time of giving up ownership on the product.
schema:paymentDue schema:Invoice  or
The date that payment is due.
schema:pickupTime schema:TaxiReservation  or
When a taxi will pickup a passenger or a rental car can be picked up.
schema:scheduledTime schema:PlanAction The time the object is scheduled to.
schema:startTime schema:Action  or
The startTime of something. For a reserved event or service (e.g. FoodEstablishmentReservation), the time that it is expected to start. For actions that span a period of time, when the action was performed. e.g. John wrote a book from *January* to December. Note that Event uses startDate/endDate instead of startTime/endTime, even when describing dates with times. This situation may be clarified in future revisions.
schema:temporal schema:Dataset The range of temporal applicability of a dataset, e.g. for a 2011 census dataset, the year 2011 (in ISO 8601 time interval format).
schema:validFrom schema:Demand  or
schema:OpeningHoursSpecification  or
schema:PriceSpecification  or
schema:Permit  or
The date when the item becomes valid.
schema:validThrough schema:Demand  or
schema:OpeningHoursSpecification  or
schema:PriceSpecification  or
The end of the validity of offer, price specification, or opening hours data.
schema:webCheckinTime schema:Flight The time when a passenger can check into the flight online.

Prefixes used:

  • schema: http://schema.org/
  • BiblioGraph.net Version 1.1
    Schema.org Version 1.93
    Code Version 1.1