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schema:Thing > schema:Intangible > schema:PropertyValueSpecification

A Property value specification.
PropertyExpected TypeDescription
Properties from schema:PropertyValueSpecification
schema:defaultValue schema:Text  or
The default value of the input. For properties that expect a literal, the default is a literal value, for properties that expect an object, it's an ID reference to one of the current values.
schema:maxValue schema:Number The upper value of some characteristic or property.
schema:minValue schema:Number The lower value of some characteristic or property.
schema:multipleValues schema:Boolean Whether multiple values are allowed for the property. Default is false.
schema:readonlyValue schema:Boolean Whether or not a property is mutable. Default is false. Specifying this for a property that also has a value makes it act similar to a "hidden" input in an HTML form.
schema:stepValue schema:Number The stepValue attribute indicates the granularity that is expected (and required) of the value in a PropertyValueSpecification.
schema:valueMaxLength schema:Number Specifies the allowed range for number of characters in a literal value.
schema:valueMinLength schema:Number Specifies the minimum allowed range for number of characters in a literal value.
schema:valueName schema:Text Indicates the name of the PropertyValueSpecification to be used in URL templates and form encoding in a manner analogous to HTML's input@name.
schema:valuePattern schema:Text Specifies a regular expression for testing literal values according to the HTML spec.
schema:valueRequired schema:Boolean Whether the property must be filled in to complete the action. Default is false.
Properties from schema:Thing
schema:additionalType schema:URL An additional type for the item, typically used for adding more specific types from external vocabularies in microdata syntax. This is a relationship between something and a class that the thing is in. In RDFa syntax, it is better to use the native RDFa syntax - the 'typeof' attribute - for multiple types. Schema.org tools may have only weaker understanding of extra types, in particular those defined externally.
schema:alternateName schema:Text An alias for the item.
schema:description schema:Text A short description of the item.
schema:image schema:ImageObject  or
An image of the item. This can be a URL or a fully described ImageObject.
schema:name schema:Text The name of the item.
schema:potentialAction schema:Action Indicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in which this thing would play an 'object' role.
schema:sameAs schema:URL URL of a reference Web page that unambiguously indicates the item's identity. E.g. the URL of the item's Wikipedia page, Freebase page, or official website.
schema:url schema:URL URL of the item.

Prefixes used:

  • schema: http://schema.org/
  • Acknowledgements

    The schema.org Actions mechanism benefited from extensive discussions across the Web standards community around W3C, in particular from the Hydra project's community group.

    BiblioGraph.net Version 1.1
    Schema.org Version 1.93
    Code Version 1.1