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schema:Thing > schema:CreativeWork > schema:Series > schema:Periodical

A publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations and intended, such as a magazine, scholarly journal, or newspaper to continue indefinitely.

See also blog post.
PropertyExpected TypeDescription
Properties from schema:Periodical
schema:issn schema:Text The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) that identifies this periodical. You can repeat this property to (for example) identify different formats of this periodical.
Properties from schema:Series
schema:endDate schema:Date The end date and time of the item (in ISO 8601 date format).
schema:startDate schema:Date The start date and time of the item (in ISO 8601 date format).
Properties from schema:CreativeWork
schema:about schema:Thing The subject matter of the content.
schema:accessibilityAPI schema:Text Indicates that the resource is compatible with the referenced accessibility API (WebSchemas wiki lists possible values).
schema:accessibilityControl schema:Text Identifies input methods that are sufficient to fully control the described resource (WebSchemas wiki lists possible values).
schema:accessibilityFeature schema:Text Content features of the resource, such as accessible media, alternatives and supported enhancements for accessibility (WebSchemas wiki lists possible values).
schema:accessibilityHazard schema:Text A characteristic of the described resource that is physiologically dangerous to some users. Related to WCAG 2.0 guideline 2.3 (WebSchemas wiki lists possible values).
schema:accountablePerson schema:Person Specifies the Person that is legally accountable for the CreativeWork.
schema:aggregateRating schema:AggregateRating The overall rating, based on a collection of reviews or ratings, of the item.
schema:alternativeHeadline schema:Text A secondary title of the CreativeWork.
schema:associatedMedia schema:MediaObject A media object that encodes this CreativeWork. This property is a synonym for encoding.
schema:audience schema:Audience The intended audience of the item, i.e. the group for whom the item was created.
schema:audio schema:AudioObject An embedded audio object.
schema:author schema:Organization  or
The author of this content. Please note that author is special in that HTML 5 provides a special mechanism for indicating authorship via the rel tag. That is equivalent to this and may be used interchangeably.
schema:award schema:Text An award won by this person or for this creative work. Supersedes schema:awards.
schema:character schema:Person Fictional person connected with a creative work.
schema:citation schema:Text  or
A citation or reference to another creative work, such as another publication, web page, scholarly article, etc.
schema:comment schema:UserComments  or
Comments, typically from users, on this CreativeWork.
schema:commentCount schema:Integer The number of comments this CreativeWork (e.g. Article, Question or Answer) has received. This is most applicable to works published in Web sites with commenting system; additional comments may exist elsewhere.
schema:contentLocation schema:Place The location of the content.
schema:contentRating schema:Text Official rating of a piece of content—for example,'MPAA PG-13'.
schema:contributor schema:Organization  or
A secondary contributor to the CreativeWork.
schema:copyrightHolder schema:Organization  or
The party holding the legal copyright to the CreativeWork.
schema:copyrightYear schema:Number The year during which the claimed copyright for the CreativeWork was first asserted.
schema:creator schema:Organization  or
bgn:Agent  or
The creator/author of this CreativeWork or UserComments. This is the same as the Author property for CreativeWork.
schema:dateCreated schema:Date The date on which the CreativeWork was created.
schema:dateModified schema:Date The date on which the CreativeWork was most recently modified.
schema:datePublished schema:Date Date of first broadcast/publication.
schema:discussionUrl schema:URL A link to the page containing the comments of the CreativeWork.
schema:editor schema:Person Specifies the Person who edited the CreativeWork.
schema:educationalAlignment schema:AlignmentObject An alignment to an established educational framework.
schema:educationalUse schema:Text The purpose of a work in the context of education; for example, 'assignment', 'group work'.
schema:encoding schema:MediaObject A media object that encodes this CreativeWork. This property is a synonym for associatedMedia. Supersedes schema:encodings.
schema:exampleOfWork schema:CreativeWork A creative work that this work is an example/instance/realization/derivation of.
Inverse property: schema:workExample.
schema:genre schema:Text Genre of the creative work or group.
schema:hasPart schema:CreativeWork Indicates a CreativeWork that is (in some sense) a part of this CreativeWork.
Inverse property: schema:isPartOf.
schema:headline schema:Text Headline of the article.
schema:inLanguage schema:Text The language of the content. please use one of the language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard.
schema:interactionCount schema:Text A count of a specific user interactions with this item—for example, 20 UserLikes, 5 UserComments, or 300 UserDownloads. The user interaction type should be one of the sub types of UserInteraction.
schema:interactivityType schema:Text The predominant mode of learning supported by the learning resource. Acceptable values are 'active', 'expositive', or 'mixed'.
schema:isBasedOnUrl schema:URL A resource that was used in the creation of this resource. This term can be repeated for multiple sources. For example, http://example.com/great-multiplication-intro.html.
schema:isFamilyFriendly schema:Boolean Indicates whether this content is family friendly.
schema:isPartOf schema:CreativeWork Indicates a CreativeWork that this CreativeWork is (in some sense) part of.
Inverse property: schema:hasPart.
schema:keywords schema:Text Keywords or tags used to describe this content. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas.
schema:learningResourceType schema:Text The predominant type or kind characterizing the learning resource. For example, 'presentation', 'handout'.
schema:license schema:URL  or
A license document that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL.
schema:mentions schema:Thing Indicates that the CreativeWork contains a reference to, but is not necessarily about a concept.
schema:offers schema:Offer An offer to provide this item—for example, an offer to sell a product, rent the DVD of a movie, or give away tickets to an event.
schema:position schema:Text  or
The position of an item in a series or sequence of items.
schema:producer schema:Person  or
The person or organization who produced the work (e.g. music album, movie, tv/radio series etc.).
schema:provider schema:Person  or
The service provider, service operator, or service performer; the goods producer. Another party (a seller) may offer those services or goods on behalf of the provider. A provider may also serve as the seller. Supersedes schema:carrier.
schema:publisher schema:Organization The publisher of the creative work.
schema:publishingPrinciples schema:URL Link to page describing the editorial principles of the organization primarily responsible for the creation of the CreativeWork.
schema:recordedAt schema:Event The Event where the CreativeWork was recorded. The CreativeWork may capture all or part of the event.
Inverse property: schema:recordedIn.
schema:releasedEvent schema:PublicationEvent The place and time the release was issued, expressed as a PublicationEvent.
schema:review schema:Review A review of the item. Supersedes schema:reviews.
schema:sourceOrganization schema:Organization The Organization on whose behalf the creator was working.
schema:text schema:Text The textual content of this CreativeWork.
schema:thumbnailUrl schema:URL A thumbnail image relevant to the Thing.
schema:timeRequired schema:Duration Approximate or typical time it takes to work with or through this learning resource for the typical intended target audience, e.g. 'P30M', 'P1H25M'.
bgn:translationOfWork schema:CreativeWork The work that this work has been translated from. e.g. 物种起源 is a translationOf “On the Origin of Species”
Inverse property: bgn:workTranslation.
schema:translator schema:Person  or
bgn:Agent  or
An agent responsible for rendering a translated work from a source work
schema:typicalAgeRange schema:Text The typical expected age range, e.g. '7-9', '11-'.
schema:version schema:Number The version of the CreativeWork embodied by a specified resource.
schema:video schema:VideoObject An embedded video object.
schema:workExample schema:CreativeWork Example/instance/realization/derivation of the concept of this creative work. eg. The paperback edition, first edition, or eBook.
Inverse property: schema:exampleOfWork.
bgn:workTranslation schema:CreativeWork A work that is a translation of the content of this work. e.g. 西遊記 has an English workTranslation “Journey to the West”,a German workTranslation “Monkeys Pilgerfahrt” and a Vietnamese translation Tây du ký bình khảo.
Inverse property: bgn:translationOfWork.
Properties from schema:Thing
schema:additionalType schema:URL An additional type for the item, typically used for adding more specific types from external vocabularies in microdata syntax. This is a relationship between something and a class that the thing is in. In RDFa syntax, it is better to use the native RDFa syntax - the 'typeof' attribute - for multiple types. Schema.org tools may have only weaker understanding of extra types, in particular those defined externally.
schema:alternateName schema:Text An alias for the item.
schema:description schema:Text A short description of the item.
schema:image schema:ImageObject  or
An image of the item. This can be a URL or a fully described ImageObject.
schema:name schema:Text The name of the item.
schema:potentialAction schema:Action Indicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in which this thing would play an 'object' role.
schema:sameAs schema:URL URL of a reference Web page that unambiguously indicates the item's identity. E.g. the URL of the item's Wikipedia page, Freebase page, or official website.
schema:url schema:URL URL of the item.

More specific Types
  • bgn:Newspaper

    Prefixes used:

  • schema: http://schema.org/
  • bgn: http://bibliograph.net/
  • Acknowledgements

    The W3C Schema Bib Extend (BibEx) group led the work to improve schema.org for bibliographic information, including terms for periodicals, articles and multi-volume works. The design was inspired in places (e.g. pageStart, pageEnd, pagination) by the Bibliographic Ontology, 'bibo'.


    <!-- A list of the issues for a single volume of a given periodical. -->
     <h1>The Lancet</h1>
     <p>Volume 376, July 2010-December 2010</p>
     <p>Published by Elsevier
       <li>ISSN: 0140-6736</li>
       <li>No. 9734 Jul 3, 2010 p 1-68</li>
       <li>No. 9735 Jul 10, 2010 p 69-140</li>
    <!-- A list of the issues for a single volume of a given periodical. -->
    <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Periodical">
      <h1 itemprop="name">The Lancet</h1>
      <p>Volume 376, July 2010-December 2010</p>
      <p>Published by <span itemprop="publisher">Elsevier</span>
        <li>ISSN: <span itemprop="issn">0140-6736</span></li>
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          <li itemprop="hasPart" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/PublicationIssue" itemid="#iss9734">No. 
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            <time datetime="2010-07-03" itemprop="datePublished">Jul 3, 2010</time>
            p <span itemprop="pageStart">1</span>-<span itemprop="pageEnd">68</span>
          <li itemprop="hasPart" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/PublicationIssue" itemid="#iss9735">No.
            <span itemprop="issueNumber">9735</span>
            <time datetime="2010-07-03" itemprop="datePublished">Jul 10, 2010</time>
            p <span itemprop="pageStart">69</span>-<span itemprop="pageEnd">140</span>
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    <div vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="Periodical">
      <h1 property="name">The Lancet</h1>
      <p>Volume 376, July 2010-December 2010</p>
      <p>Published by <span property="publisher">Elsevier</span>
        <li>ISSN: <span property="issn">0140-6736</span></li>
      <div property="hasPart" typeof="PublicationVolume" resource="#vol376">
        <meta property="volumeNumber" content="376">
          <li property="hasPart" typeof="PublicationIssue" resource="#issue9734">No. 
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            <time datetime="2010-07-03" property="datePublished">Jul 3, 2010</time>
            p <span property="pageStart">1</span>-<span property="pageEnd">68</span>
          <li property="hasPart" typeof="PublicationIssue" resource="#issue9735">No.
            <span property="issueNumber">9735</span>
            <time datetime="2010-07-03" property="datePublished">Jul 10, 2010</time>
            p <span property="pageStart">69</span>-<span property="pageEnd">140</span>
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        "hasPart": [
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    <!-- An article, fully linked to the issue, volume, and periodical in which it was published -->
      <strong>Title:</strong> Be Careful What You Wish For: FRBR, Some Lacunae, A Review<br />
      <strong>Author:</strong> Smiraglia, Richard P.<br />
      <strong>Subjects:</strong> Catalog ; Works <br />
      <strong>Is Part Of:</strong>
      <div>Cataloging &amp; Classification Quarterly, 2012, Vol. 50 (5),</div>
      <div>p.360-368 [Peer Reviewed Journal]<br />
          The library catalog as a catalog of works
          was an infectious idea, which together with research led to
          reconceptualization in the form of the FRBR conceptual model. Two
          categories of lacunae emerge—the expression entity, and gaps in the
          model such as aggregates and dynamic documents. Evidence needed to
          extend the FRBR model is available in contemporary research on
          instantiation. The challenge for the bibliographic community is to
          begin to think of FRBR as a form of knowledge organization system,
          adding a final dimension to classification. The articles in the present
          special issue offer a compendium of the promise of the FRBR
      <strong>Publisher:</strong> Taylor &amp; Francis Group<br />
      <strong>Source:</strong> Routledge, Taylor &amp; Francis Group<br />
      <strong>ISSN:</strong> 0163-9374 ;<br />
      <strong>E-ISSN:</strong> 1544-4554;<br />
      <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2012.682254">10.1080/01639374.2012.682254</a>
    <!-- An article, fully linked to the issue, volume, and periodical in which it was published -->
    <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ScholarlyArticle">
      <strong>Title:</strong> <span itemprop="name">Be Careful What You Wish For: FRBR, Some Lacunae, A Review</span><br />
      <strong>Author:</strong> <span itemprop="author">Smiraglia, Richard P.</span><br />
      <strong>Subjects:</strong> <span itemprop="about">Catalog</span> ; <span itemprop="about">Works</span> <br />
      <strong>Is Part Of:</strong>
      <div itemprop="isPartOf" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/PublicationIssue" itemid="#issue">
        <span itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Periodical" itemid="#periodical">
          <span itemprop="name">Cataloging &amp; Classification Quarterly</span>,
        <span itemprop="datePublished">2012</span>,
        Vol.<span itemprop="isPartOf" itemscope
                  itemprop="isPartOf" href="#periodical" /><span
        p.<span itemprop="pageStart">360</span>-<span itemprop="pageEnd">368</span> [Peer Reviewed Journal]<br />
        <span itemprop="description">The library catalog as a catalog of works
          was an infectious idea, which together with research led to
          reconceptualization in the form of the FRBR conceptual model. Two
          categories of lacunae emerge—the expression entity, and gaps in the
          model such as aggregates and dynamic documents. Evidence needed to
          extend the FRBR model is available in contemporary research on
          instantiation. The challenge for the bibliographic community is to
          begin to think of FRBR as a form of knowledge organization system,
          adding a final dimension to classification. The articles in the present
          special issue offer a compendium of the promise of the FRBR
      <span itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Periodical" itemid="#periodical">
        <span itemprop="publisher">Taylor &amp; Francis Group</span><br />
        <strong>Source:</strong> Routledge, Taylor &amp; Francis Group<br />
        <strong>ISSN:</strong> <span itemprop="issn">0163-9374</span> ;<br />
        <strong>E-ISSN:</strong> <span itemprop="issn">1544-4554</span> ;<br />
      <a itemprop="sameAs" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2012.682254">10.1080/01639374.2012.682254</a>
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      <strong>Title:</strong> <span property="name">Be Careful What You Wish For: FRBR, Some Lacunae, A Review</span><br />
      <strong>Author:</strong> <span property="author">Smiraglia, Richard P.</span><br />
      <strong>Subjects:</strong> <span property="about">Catalog</span> ; <span property="about">Works</span> <br />
      <strong>Is Part Of:</strong>
      <div property="isPartOf" typeof="PublicationIssue" resource="#issue">
        <span typeof="Periodical" resource="#periodical">
          <span property="name">Cataloging &amp; Classification Quarterly</span>,
        <span property="datePublished">2012</span>,
        Vol.<span property="isPartOf" typeof="PublicationVolume" resource="#periodical"><span
        p.<span property="pageStart">360</span>-<span property="pageEnd">368</span> [Peer Reviewed Journal]<br />
        <span property="description">The library catalog as a catalog of works
          was an infectious idea, which together with research led to
          reconceptualization in the form of the FRBR conceptual model. Two
          categories of lacunae emerge—the expression entity, and gaps in the
          model such as aggregates and dynamic documents. Evidence needed to
          extend the FRBR model is available in contemporary research on
          instantiation. The challenge for the bibliographic community is to
          begin to think of FRBR as a form of knowledge organization system,
          adding a final dimension to classification. The articles in the present
          special issue offer a compendium of the promise of the FRBR
      <span resource="#periodical">
        <span property="publisher">Taylor &amp; Francis Group</span><br />
        <strong>Source:</strong> Routledge, Taylor &amp; Francis Group<br />
        <strong>ISSN:</strong> <span property="issn">0163-9374</span> ;<br />
        <strong>E-ISSN:</strong> <span property="issn">1544-4554</span> ;<br />
      <a property="sameAs" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2012.682254">10.1080/01639374.2012.682254</a>
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            "description": "The library catalog as a catalog of works was an infectious idea, which together with research led to reconceptualization in the form of the FRBR conceptual model. Two categories of lacunae emerge--the expression entity, and gaps in the model such as aggregates and dynamic documents. Evidence needed to extend the FRBR model is available in contemporary research on instantiation. The challenge for the bibliographic community is to begin to think of FRBR as a form of knowledge organization system, adding a final dimension to classification. The articles in the present special issue offer a compendium of the promise of the FRBR model.", 
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    BiblioGraph.net Version 1.1
    Schema.org Version 1.93
    Code Version 1.1